yellow triangle on the lan icon - .
yellow triangle on the lan icon - . Looking for: - Windows 7 wifi yellow triangle free Click here to DOWNLOAD Windows 7 wifi yellow triangle free Hands up if you've seen the dreadful "yellow triangle" on your systray network icon at least once. The meaning of that is as simple as the popup label appearing on mouse hover: the system is connected to a network, but there's no internet access. That's not always true tho: sometimes, despite the yellow triangle and the message, your PC is indeed connected and you can surf the web without issues. What's the reason behind this odd behaviour by Windows? In this post we'll try to answer to this question, looking at how our not always beloved operating system checks our connection status and how to solve the most common issues. Their purpose respectively is:. What we need, like you might guess, is mostly the latter: if you feel like you need more information regarding the former, you can find some d...